Frequently asked questions about Physiotherapy
Our physiotherapy tables offer the best benefits for the different treatments and massages that the physiotherapist newcastle has to give. Wide range of colors and the possibility of having a folding stretcher to make home visits or to buy the most advanced hydraulic or fixed stretchers for your consultation or clinic.
In this section you will also find the most complete rehabilitation devices , to treat all types of sports injuries: TENS and EMS electrostimulators , ultrasound , presotherapies , ultrasound , etc. Not forgetting the extensive catalog of neuromuscular bandages with all colors and sizes.
The massage and alternative Physiotherapy have their place in this section, since Transcend Health sell all kinds of products for dry needling and acupuncture, as well as pindas and bamboo.

1.I don't have any health problems, could you give me a massage?
Massage is a very effective therapeutic technique when there is a problem of muscular tension or contracture although it is also a preventive and relaxing technique. For this reason, in our center we also decided to offer the possibility of booking an appointment for an exclusive massage session , therefore, anyone can receive a relaxing and preventive massage both integral, back or legs. These sessions are also ideal to give to a loved one as we also have gift cards . With this gift you will always be right. These types of massages are not focused on performing a treatment but apply the massage technique with a purpose of relaxation and well-being, for this reason, these types of massages can be applied by chiromassagers or physiotherapist newcastle, depending on the availability of the center. Make it clear that Physiotherapy will be applied exclusively by physiotherapist newcastle, within the sessions of physiotherapy or osteopathy.
2.Can Bioresonance sessions be done to children or babies?
The Bioresonance can be done to anyone, there is only to take into account certain aspects in specific cases as they are in people who carry a pacemaker, pregnant women or infants or children under 3 years. In the case of children under 3 years of age, it is essential to perform the Bioresonance test through the mother as there is a very strong energy union between the mother and the child in these first 3 years of life, in addition to It is very difficult to directly test the baby or child with that age.
3.How is a Physiotherapy session different from an Osteopathy session?
First of all, it must be made clear that in Todema , both the physiotherapy session and the osteopathy session are applied by graduates or university graduates in Physiotherapy. The difference between one session and another is the focus of it and the techniques that are applied. Thus, the Physiotherapy session is focused on treating a lesion or pathology more locally and the frequency from one session to another can be one day, two or three, that is, they are more continuous sessions. Newcastle physiotherapy sessions are the sessions of choice for acute and urgent problems, as well as after having undergone surgery or immobilization, since in these cases you have to work more often to recover mobility, strength, coordination, preconception, etc ... On the other hand, the Osteopathy sessions are focused on a more global treatment that includes structural techniques such as manipulations, for example, cranial techniques and visceral techniques, and between session and session it must take a minimum of 5 to 7 days for the organism to Go self-regulating. These sessions will be ideal for more chronic and postural problems such as herniated discs, scoliosis, infant colic, repeated sprains, whiplash, visceral problems.
4.Can an acute back pain be treated, that is, recent?
Today, many doctors still tell patients not to "touch" any physiotherapist newcastle or osteopath because they have acute pain or because they have swollen pain and it is better to wait. My answer is quite the opposite, today there are many studies and it is known that it is better to treat any acute pathology as quickly as possible except in the case that you have to immobilize with plaster. What is certain is that the type of techniques and the treatment itself will be different depending on whether it is an acute or chronic problem. Therefore, in cases of sprains without bone cracks or fractures, acute torticollis, low back pain or acute lumbociática, etc ... could be treated without any problem since recovery would be much faster. However, if you have any questions, it is always good to consult with your physiotherapist newcastle.
5.Pregnant and I have a strong backache, could you treat me in my condition?
Pregnant women are a special group that must be taken into account. My opinion is that during the first 2-3 months I prefer not to do any osteopathy so that the pregnancy is consolidated although if you could do some Physiotherapy, massage and stretching. From the 3rd month of pregnancy I do treat pregnant women using the most appropriate physiotherapy techniques for them. Regarding electrotherapy, it is contraindicated and I only use MORA Bioresonance, which is also great in these cases. It is also very positive during this stage to treat and take BACH FLOWERS.
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