Frequently asked questions about building inspections

1. What is the cost of a building inspection? The price varies according to the type of building, the year of construction and its location. The after-sales service is included for each building inspection entrusted to our team. Submissions are free and without obligation, consult us. 2. How does a pre-purchase building inspection take place? In general, a building inspection lasts 2 to 3 hours. After introducing himself to the vendor and other stakeholders, the building inspector observes the ground and drainage conditions around the building. He carefully scrutinizes the foundation and checks the condition of the exterior components (cladding / fenestration / perron / gallery, etc.). When conditions permit, the building inspector climbs onto the roof to complete the building inspection of the exterior components. Inside, the building inspector places a lot of importance on the building inspection of the basement components (foundation / insulation / structure ...